Friday, August 31, 2007


Dennis E. Howland

Ogden City Council

At-Large Seat C

During an interview with one of Ogden City's employees' associations I was accused of being a plant for Mayor Godfrey. My interview followed one of the incumbents in the upcoming race, and I could only attribute this unsubstantiated BS as coming from someone who desired to keep the unrest stirred at city hall or perhaps one afraid of losing the election. I can assure you that I stand committed to no one incumbent nor challenger but myself. I can say that I have agreed and disagreed with Mayor Godfrey on issues, but amazing enough I have agreed and disagreed with the City Council as well. Not since my father has any man influenced by stand on what I felt was right or wrong and he passed away nearly 30 years ago. Oddly enough this rumor has been repeated about some of the other challengers as well. Funny how elections bring out the best and the worst in all of us. My commitment remains with you the citizens of this community. Lets get back to the important work of taking care of our city and let those who want to fight go somewhere else to find the battle. Take a good look at every candidate. Veterans look at those who would serve you best with their input on veterans issues to higher levels. It is time the veterans' voices are heard in government at all levels. Everyone - ask yourself - "When is the last time my elected official made a decision or championed an issue that impacted me and my interests, and benefited me?" If your answer, like mine was hard to come by, then it is time for a change.

If Change Means:

Having the backbone to stand firm for what you believe to be right, and stand committed to your position on an issue,

Not choosing sides in city government based on personalities, but deciding direction based on "for the good of the entire community",

Leadership, team work, and harmony at City Hall,

Elected officials renewing their commitment and responsibility to all its citizens,

Focusing on Ogden City as a whole and all its citizens equally,

Assuring that all services keep up with growth and development without weakening those services to the rest of the community,

Making the infrastructure a priority to benefit the entire community,

Believing that city government should be a working partnership between Council, Administration, business developers, "open spacers" and welcomed community input,

Then it is time for a change! I ask you to help me make that change with your vote for me as your next Ogden City Councilman in the At-Large Seat C. Thank you.

About Dennis Howland

5990 S. Skyline Dr. - Ogden, UT 801-394-1195

60 years old. Married to Sherry Howland - 25 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren

User Support Specialist - Technology Department
Weber School District Retired Federal Employee Communications

Specialist IRS (Twice name Employee of the Year for support of Diversity and EEO Programs)
Business Owner/Operator Fire Service - 11 years. Served all positions from hoseman to Chief Officer

Junior College Instructor

U.S. Marine Corps - Non-Commissioned Officer
Vietnam Combat Veteran

More than 30 years of dedicated community service in programs such as MDA, Boys/Girls Clubs, minority organizations, Veterans of Foreign Wars

Currently serve as Sr. Vice Commander and Public Affairs Chair for the Department of Utah Veterans of Foreign Wars. Have received State and National honors for work in the Veterans of Foreign Wars community service programs. Weber State University Veterans Upward Bound Golden Grenade Award, Mr. VFW 2009.

Have hosted numerous Veterans programs throughout Ogden with ivolvement from members of the Ogden City Council, Ogden Mayor and Utah's Governor Huntsman. Have received accolades from the current City Council for community service work as Commander of Ogden VFW Post 1481.

Favorite pasttime - Community Service and Singing, and family.

I Take pride in the fact that I serve and am committed to absolutely no individual incumbent nor challenger, and when elected I will represent and serve EVERY citizen of Ogden City.